

UCM61xx Release Notes

EOL Notice: 1.0.18.x is the last supported firmware for the UCM6100 series.


1. Firmware contains security fix. Please upgrade UCM61xx to immediately. The security bulletin is available HERE. After upgrading, please change web access password for ALL users in UCM web UI->Maintenance->User Management page including super admin, admin and consumer users. It's also highly recommended to change the username to be different from the previous username. If any unknown user exists in User Management page, please remove it immediately.

2. Backup your data including configuration before firmware upgrade is a MUST.

3. For UCM6xxx on 1.0.17.x, please upgrade to 1.0.18.x directly.

4. For UCM6xxx on firmware earlier than 1.0.17.x, please upgrade to first, then upgrade to 1.0.18.x. To upgrade to 1.0.17.x, please check release notes “Important Upgrading Note” section and follow the instructions.

5. It is recommended to upgrade UCM to latest firmware for product lifespan and security improvements.

6. When creating a UCM61xx backup for UCM62xx, please make sure that the UCM61xx is on the latest official firmware. On the UCM62xx, please make sure that it is on 1.0.18.x firmware or higher before restoring the backup.



Download UCM61xx Firmware Files:

UCM61xx Firmware File


Previous UCM61xx Firmware:

UCM61xx Firmware File  Release Notes